30 sep. 2012

//Everyone has a dark side;

Har varit i stan i helgen, träffat folk och köpt in lite nya kläder. Toppen på bild är en tröja köpt sommaren 2011 som jag ägnat dagen åt att fixa till. Tog bort axelbanden och sydde till en dragkedja och tog in den lite där bak för den var på tok för stor, till sist satte jag fast nitar som pricken över i.

27 sep. 2012


Nu är man på väg för att säkra sig en prao plats på en klädbutik har i vännäs. Har ingen riktig plan b om det här inte skulle fungera så vi håller tummarna och hoppas på det bästa visst?:)


Släpp ner ditt långa hår xD


Har lagat tekakor på hkn nyss, peppad på att smaka?:)

26 sep. 2012


Älskar min stil ibland <3

engelska projekt

Reggae Hip hop Rap Music and Artists

Well lets see, I’m going to talk about swedish Reggae and hiphop music and things related to that. I don’t know that much about it really, I started listen to that kind of music about two/tree years ago. Starting whit a girl named Sofijah who writhed songs about broken hearts and what life is underneath that lucky, happy, fun shell that we are showing, to Dani M and Junior Erik who writes about a life full of bad choices and learning to stay strong in this mad world and songs to thank all their friends that have walked that road whit them and maybe fell down and stoped walking that road in life. I don’t know about you but for me it makes me feel like I can keep on walking through life even if it gets hard and it just feels like hell. They inspired me to start write down my thoughts and feelings and all choices ive made and put it all to a beat. Well I know it’s a long way until I reach out to as many as I would want to, and I know that it will be a really long and hard road to get there. But it will be worth it. People are going to leave you and youll have to move on and live your life without them,even if it feels wrong.

Some famous Swedish Reggae Hip hop artists:

• Svenska Akademien

• Promeo

• Jaqee

• Uppsala Allstars

• Afsi

• Fifty

• Junior Erik

• Kapten Röd

• Dani M

• Syster Sol

• Ziggi

• Labyrint

• Tommy tip

• Ras Cricket

• General Knas

• Bröder Glöder

• Kung Kodum

My personal favorit of these artist are Syster Sol, Junior Erik, Ras Cricket, Kapten Röd and Labyrint.

Syster Sol really do inspire me a lot. I mean she were the first female reggae singer in Sweden. And most of her songs are full of words and meanings that sais; Stay strong little sister you can do this! Just listen to all her songs and the meaning behind them and you’ll hear a stong positive message to all girls out there. She also works on a project named “Oneness Youth”. Oneness Youth is all about helping young teens and other people to feel better in themselves and help them build a stronger self- confidence and courage.

And the reggaeworkshop “Tell Dem!” made to strengthen young girls self-esteem, self-confidence and self-assurance.

25 sep. 2012

Film med KU Cinema

Blir att se på Svinalängorna med alla andra fina personer på KU Cinema. Planerar att åka på tyngdpunktsbucklan i boden på höstlovet, dessutom beställa ny (rosa) KU huvtröja.


Hahahaha jävla sär bild, påminn mig om att aldrig hålla på där ner för det ser jävligt fejk ut.

22 sep. 2012

Jobb på konfermation

Jag har världens sötaste konfermander! Ett rent nöje att jobba!

21 sep. 2012

mitt engelska arbete jag ska arbeta vidare på, sparar det här så länge.

Well lets see, I’m going to talk about swedish Reggae and hiphop music and things related to that. I don’t know that much about it really, I started listen to that kind of music about two/tree years ago. Starting whit a girl named Sofijah who writhed songs about broken hearts and what life is underneath that lucky, happy, fun shell that we are showing, to Dani M and JR Eric who writes about a life full of bad choices and learning to stay strong in this mad world and songs to thank all their friends that have walked that road whit them and maybe fell down and stoped walking that road in life. I don’t know about you but for me it makes me feel like I can keep on walking through life even if it gets hard and it just feels like hell. They inspired me to start write down my thoughts and feelings and all choices ive made and put it all to a beat. Well I know it’s a long way until I reach out to as many as I would want to, and I know that it will be a really long and hard road to get there. But it will be worth it. People are going to leave you and youll have to move on and live your life without them,even if it feels wrong.  

20 sep. 2012

svar på fråga

ida westerberg: vars finns superman linnet å köpa?;D
svar; den som syns i inlägget finns på shock, finns liknande linnen på sweden rock shop :3

14 sep. 2012


sitter och kollar på harry potter och halvblodsprinsen med min lillebror. det är ett väl förtjänt avslut på en tung vecka kan jag säga.

13 sep. 2012

så nu kommer en nyhet, jag har spenderat dagen med besök på bup under förmiddagen och sedan städa, packa och färga håret på eftermiddagen/kvällen. Imorgon blir det skola och sen vaccination.. sen stan med Ylwa och ev. Moa eller Sanna på lördag/söndag. <3